What is Whag?

Whag is the Verified Link App. The platform is designed to enhance online security and build trust between parties using verified links, verified digital identities, and a constantly evolving blocklist. Whag empowers brands, content creators, and businesses of all sizes to protect their people from phishing and invites community members to actively participate in identifying, reporting, and blocking malicious links.



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Key Features

Verified Links

URLs can be misleading, anyone can create them, and it’s impossible to know where they’re taking you before it’s too late. Each Whag Verified Link is like an open book - click one and you’ll know exactly who’s behind it and where it’ll lead you. These links are traceable, trustworthy, and have to pass several security checks before they’re created and shared. Learn More

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Verfied Links.zip



Whag's Whitelists allow users to organize and share Verified Links, ensuring easy access to safe and curated content. Whitelists are powerful tools that empower everyone and anyone to aggregate, curate, and share links and resources with ease. Learn More

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Community Blocklist

The Community Blocklist is a constantly evolving system that’s powered by Whag users around the world. Anyone who’s a part of the network can report suspicious or malicious links to the Community Blocklist and help keep themselves and other users safe from harm. In practice, links on Whag’s Blocklist cannot be made into Whag Verified Links. Learn More

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Whag Tag

Whag Tags are unique, permanent, secure digital identities that users claim when joining the Whag network. They’re derived from a user’s legal name or from the handles of the social’s they’ve connected to verify their identity during onboarding and they’re linked to a user’s verified activity and content on the platform. Learn More